*from the brochure Information You May Need
© 2003, Australian Funeral Directors Association
Used with permission
Author: heritagebrothersadmin
What a Funeral Director can do for you
The role of a funeral director is to provide a very special service. He or she must be able to advise on and arrange all the details that make up a funeral service
From the moment a family calls, the funeral director will make every possible effort to meet the family’s wishes.
Above all, the funeral director must be understanding, compassionate, and act in a way which is ethical and deserving of trust.
The responsibilities of a funeral director include:
- Arrange all matters requested by the family taking into consideration the legal, social, cultural, and religious considerations relating to the deceased and to the mourners.
- Transportation of the deceased from the place of death to the mortuary.
- Preparation of the deceased.
- Collation of certificates from hospital or doctor’s surgery.
- Completion of statutory requirements, including forms.
- Preparation and insertion of newspapers notices.
- Contact with clergyman or funeral celebrant.
- Organise bookings at the church, cemetery and/or crematorium.
- Officially register the death.
- Obtain copies of the Death Certificate.
- Organise all details of the funeral service, including the supply of vehicles and pall bearers.
- Advise on religious requirements in relation to the funeral service and to visitation and other customs prior to and after the funeral.